the curse she had put to us turned back onto herself!!
looks like we live much more happier than u lil girl!!
do u really think that all of my friend will be on yr side??
do u think that chatting with them in msn without our
knowledge will lead u to more information bout us??
haha.. u noe my fren longer or i been with my fren longer??
every conversation that u had chatted with them,
u think i dunno bout it??
wake up my fren, u cant do anything to spoil us..
this will only show to everyone yr ridiculous thinking and silly attitude..
now all of them is on my side, even the one whose u get my mum hp num from..
noe what are they talking behind u? u dunno!!
they think that u r so immature and 13point!!
c'mon, 19year old with such thinking and attitude,
who will accept u?? c, i tot that u have found yr so called 'prince',
ha, not even reach half year i think, mayb more than that, who cares??
rmb that u told me that smtg wrong with my attitude??
in my opinion, u r the one who should behave and disabuse!!
curse us?? tai sei!!